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Ancient History MCQs – 12 ( Post Gupta Period )

Post Gupta Period MCQs with answers and explanations for preparation of UPSC, State PSCs and other Examinations

1. Who composed ‘Ai-hole’ Prasasti ?

A. Harisena
B. Nayanikar
C. Kautilya
D. Rabikirti

Correct Answer – [D] Rabikirti 

  • Aihole was located in the state of Karnataka and was the first capital of the Chalukyas. 
  • Many inscriptions have been found here but the inscription at the Meguti temple is popularly known as the Aihole Inscription. 
  • It contains many historical events of Chalukyas. 
  • It was written in Sanskrit and it uses old Kannada script. 
  • There are also references to the defeat of Harshavardhana by Pulakesin II and the victory of the Chalukyas over Pallavas. 
  • There is a reference to the transfer of capital from Aihole to Badami by Pulakesin I. 
  • The Aihole inscription was written by Ravikirti, a court poet of the Chalukya king Pulakesin II. 
  • Pulakesin II ruled from 610 to 642 CE.

2. Si-Yu-Ki was authored by who among the following ?

A. Megasthenes
B. I- Tsing
C. Huen-Tsang
D. Fa- Hien

Correct Answer – [C] Huen – Tsang 

  • Huan-Tsang was a Chinese traveler who came to India during 630 CE in the time of Harshavardhana. 
  • He was in India for 14 years. 
  • During this time he has studied Hindu and Buddhist religious texts for five years.
  • He mentioned Harshavardhana as the greatest king of north India and Pulakesin II as the greatest king of south India in his famous book Si-Yu-Ki.

3. The University of Vikramshila was established by ?

A. Dharmapala
B. Mahipala
C. Devpala
D. Gopala

Correct Answer – [A] Dharmapala

  • Vikramashila was one of the three most important Buddhist monasteries in India during the Pala Empire, along with Nalanda and Odantapuri. 
  • Its location is now in the Bhagalpur district of Bihar.
  • Vikramashila was established by the Pala emperor Dharmapala (783 to 820 AD).
  • The University of Vikramshila was destroyed by the forces of Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khalji around 1193.

4. Sasanka belonged to the

A. Gauda dynasty
B. Kamrup dynasty
C. Pal dynasty
D. Sen dynasty

Correct Answer – [A] Gauda dynasty 

  • Sasanka was considered as the first independent ruler of Bengal. 
  • Sasanka was a king of the Gauda Kingdom and the capital was Karnasubarna, in present-day Murshidabad in West Bengal.
  • He reigned in the 7th century and some historians place his rule approximately between 590 CE and 625 CE.

5. Gopala was the founder of which among the following dynasty ?

A. Pratihara dynasty
B. Chalukya dynasty
C. Pala dynasty
D. Pallava dynasty

Correct Answer – [C] Pala dynasty

  • After the death of Harshavardhana, many kingdoms arose in North and Eastern India. 
  • In the Bengal region, After the fall of the Gauda kingdom, there was no central authority, which led to recurring wars between petty chieftains.
  • Around 750 AD, The Pala empire was founded by Gopala in this region. 
  • ‘Pala’ is a Sanskrit word which means “protector”.
  • The Palas were staunch supporters of Mahayana Buddhism.
  • The last important ruler of the Pala dynasty was Mahipala.

6. The monastery at Odantapuri in Bihar was founded by ?

A. Dharmapala
B. Mahipala
C. Devpala
D. Gopala

Correct Answer – [D] Gopala 

  • The Buddhist monastery at Odantapuri, Bihar, was founded by Gopala. 
  • It was destroyed by Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khalji, a Turko-Muslim invader in the late 1100s.

7. Harshacharita was written by who among the following ?

A. Harsha
B. Banabhatta
C. Ravikirti
D. Kalidasa

Correct Answer –  [B] Banabhatta

  • Harshacharita written by Banabhatta. It is a biography of king Harsha.
  • He was the court poet of Harsha. 
  • Besides Harshacharita, Banabhatta also wrote Kadambari which is one of the most celebrated books on romances in Sanskrit.
  • The chief sources for tracing the history of Harsha are the Harshacharita and the Travel accounts of Hiuen Tsang.  
  • Besides these two, the dramas written by Harsha himself namely Ratnavali, Nagananda and Priyardarsika also provide useful information of that period.

8. Harshvardhana belonged to which among the following dynasties ?

A. Pushyabhuti dynasty
B. Pratihara dynasty
C. Chhedi dynasty
D. Pallava dynasty

Correct Answer – [A] Pushyabhuti dynasty

  • Harshvardhana belonged to the Pushyabhuti dynasty. 
  • Pushyabhutis were the feudatories of the Guptas.
  • Harsh was the most important ruler of Pushyabhuti dynasty. 
  • He made Kanauj his capital.
  • In his early life, Harsha was a devout Saiva but later he became an ardent Hinayana Buddhist. 
  • Hiuen Tsang converted him to Mahayana Buddhism.
  • Like Asoka, he also banned the slaughter of any living thing and made use of animal flesh as a punishable offense. 
  • He established many monasteries in various parts of his kingdom.
  • Harsha organized a religious assembly at Kannauj to honor the Chinese pilgrim Hiuen Tsang towards the later part of his reign.

9. In ancient India, the term ‘Nilopitu’ was used to refer to which of the following ?

A. An archive of the Harsha period
B. Treasury Department of the Mauryan empire
C. Tax collected on food grains
D. Religious literature

Correct Answer – [A] The archive of the Harsha period

  • The archive of the Harsha period was known as ‘Nilopitu’ and it was under the control of special officers. 
  • Both good and bad events that happened during his time had been recorded.

10. Which among the following rulers stopped king Harsha from conquering southern parts of the country ?

A. Rajendra Chola
B. Pulakesin II
C. Raja Raja
D. Rajendra Chola I

Correct Answer – [B] Pulakesin II

  • The most important military campaign of Harsha was against the Western Chalukya ruler Pulakesin II.
  • To overthrow Pulakesin-II, Harsha moved his troops from all sides to the South in 620 AD. However the passes on Narmada River were so efficiently guarded that the armies of Harsha were defeated on all fronts. 
  • As a result of this defeat, Harsha accepted Narmada River as his southern frontier and never tried to proceed further in the south.
  • Aihole inscription of Pulakesin II mentions the defeat of Harsha by Pulakesin, who after this achievement assumed the title ‘Paramesvara’. 
  • Hiuen Tsang’s accounts also confirm the victory of Pulakesin.

11. Famous Raja Bhoj belonged to which among the following dynasties ?

A. Pushyabhuti dynasty
B. Pratihara dynasty
C. Paramara dynasty
D. Pallava dynasty

Correct Answer – [C] Paramara dynasty

  • Parmara rajputs ruled the Malwa region from around 9th century to 1305 AD.
  • One of the important rulers of this dynasty was Raja Bhoj of Dhar.
  • Raja Bhoj was a man of intellect. 
  • He possessed a strong army however he was defeated by a tripartite confederacy of Chalukyas, Rashtrakutas and Kachhchawahas. 
  • After his death Parmaras were reduced to a local power.

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