A complete ecosystem for UPSC Civils and State PSC Preparation

About Us

Founded in 2020,  www.CivilsCracker.com was an individual effort to help the students preparing for UPSC and State PSC examinations. Since then, It has come a long way however there are still many things(Notes, Quizzes, Test Series) to be added to make CivilsCracker.com, a complete ecosystem for the readers.

Currently there are two main pillars of CivilsCracker.com who handle all the operations from content research and writing to publishing in CivilsCracker.com.

Pillar 1 – Myself (Anand Singh) – Founder and CEO

A technology enthusiast by profession and a former UPSC aspirant, I have first hand experience in appearing and clearing the various stages of the exams for which we provide content in CivilsCracker.com. Hence, all the content/references provided in CivilsCracker.com is the result of our own experience and research. 

Pillar 2 – Pooja Priya – Manager and Chief Contributor

A lecturer by profession, Pooja has more than 6 years of experience in teaching and grooming the students to achieve their dreams. She actively contributes to CivilsCracker.com. She has been instrumental in making the content of CivilsCracker easier to comprehend and effective for the readers/visitors.

Currently, We both stay in Pune, however previously we have stayed, studied and worked in various cities of India(like Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Patna, Jamshedpur etc.) and interacted with the aspirants of various examinations. This helps us in understanding the needs of aspirants/readers of various regional/financial backgrounds and we strive that our content should resonate with those needs.

Most of the content in CivilsCracker.com is free(Except paid test series which may be launched in future) and will remain free for our readers.

While we are working day and night to add more useful content to CivilsCracker.com, It is a delight to see that our effort is proving to be useful for our readers/visitors.

We dedicate this site to our parents, teachers and to the millions of ambitious aspirants who will be part of Indian bureaucracy one day and make a difference in the society. 

We wish our readers all the success in their lives.

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