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Ancient History MCQs – 9 ( Maurya Dynasty )

Maurya Dynasty MCQs with answers and explanations for preparation of UPSC, State PSCs and other Examinations

1. The defeat of the Nandas at the hands of Kautilya and Chandragupta Maurya has been portrayed in which among the following the Sanskrit Plays ?

A. Mattavilasa
B. Mudrarakshasa
C. Mricchakatika
D. DeviChandraguptam

Correct Answer –  [B] Mudrarakshasa 

  • ‘The Mudrarakshasa’ is a Sanskrit-language play composed by Vishakhadatta 
  • It narrates the ascent of the Maurya Emperor Chandragupta Maurya (Reign: 324 BCE–297 BCE) to power in India. 
  • It is to be noted that Vishakhadatta was a contemporary of the Gupta Emperor Chandragupta II(and not the Maurya emperor Chandragupta) and lived in the late 4th century to early 5th century.
  • ‘Mattavilasa Prahasana’ is a Sanskrit play written by Pallava King Mahendravarman I in the beginning of the seventh century in Tamil Nadu. 
  • ‘Mricchakatika’ is a Sanskrit drama written by Åšudraka.
  • ‘Devi-Chandraguptam’ is an Indian Sanskrit-language political drama also written by Vishakhadeva.

2. Chandragupta Maurya defeated which among the following ?

A. Seleucus
B. Kalashoka
C. Poros
D. Alexander

Correct Answer – [A] Seleucus 

  • Chandragupta overthrew the Nanda dynasty and then ascended to the throne of the Magadha kingdom, in present-day Bihar state, India, about 325 BCE. 
  • While returning back from India, Alexander put his conquered territories under his governors.
  • In 305 B.C, Chandragupta marched against Selukas Niketar, who was Alexander’s governor controlling northwestern India. Chandragupta defeated him and a treaty was signed by Selukas Niketar. According to the treaty, Seleukas ceded many trans-Indus territories to the Mauryan Empire. 
  • Alexander died in 323.

3. Who was Megasthenes?

A. A Greek pilgrim
B. A Chinese traveler
C. Ambassador of Seleucus
D. Governor of Alexander

Correct Answer – [C] Ambassador of Seleucus 

  • After the defeat of Selukas Niketar in the hands of Chandragupta Maurya, Selukas sent a Greek ambassador Megasthenes to the Mauryan court. 
  • During his stay in India, Megasthenes observed and noted the culture, daily affairs, social structure etc. of the people of the Mauryan Empire.
  •  The compilation of his works today is known as ‘Indica’. It is a major source of information about the Mauryan Period.

4. Chandragupta Maurya was succeeded by who among the following ?

A. Ashoka
B. Harsha
C. Bindusara
D. Ajatasatru

Correct Answer – [C] Bindusara 

  • Bindusara was the second Mauryan emperor of India. 
  • He was the son of Chandragupta.
  • His rule lasted from 297 BC to 273 BC.

5. Who among the following was known as ‘Amitraghata’ ?

A. Ashoka
B. Samudragupta
C. Bindusara
D. Bimbisara

Correct Answer –  [C] Bindusara 

  • Bindusara was the father of Ashoka.
  • He was also known as Amitrochates (in Greek) or Amitraghata (in Sanskrit) meaning Slayer of all enemies.
  • Deimachus, a Greek ambassador, was at his court.
  • He joined and supported the Ajivika sect.

6. Who among the following said ‘All men are my Children’ ?

A. Chandragupta
B. Ashoka
C. Ajatsatru
D. Bindusara

Correct Answer – [B] Ashoka

  • The great Emperor Ashoka was the third of the Maurya dynasty 
  • He converted to Buddhism after witnessing the horrific effects of war in Kalinga. 
  • He became a patron of Buddhism and tried to spread Dhamma throughout his empire and beyond. 
  • He erected many pillars and edicts all over the Indian subcontinent and even in modern-day Afghanistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan to spread the Buddha’s teachings.
  • In Kalinga Rock Edict I, he declared that ‘All men are my Children’.

7. Ashokan inscriptions found in northern india were mainly composed in:

A. Pali
B. Prakrit
C. Sanskrit
D. Greek

Correct Answer – [B] Prakrit

  • Ashokan inscriptions were composed in the Prakrit language and written in Brahmi script throughout the greater part of the empire.
  • In the north-western part of the Indian Subcontinent, they appear in Kharosthi script and in Kandahar in Afghanistan, they were written in Aramaic, in Greek script and Greek language.
  • The Kandahar Rock Inscription is bilingual.

8. Which among the following rock edicts mention about Ashoka’s victory over Kalinga ?

A. Major Rock Edict X
B. Major Rock Edict XI
C. Major Rock Edict XII
D. Major Rock Edict XIII

Correct Answer – [D] Major Rock Edict XIII

  • Major Rock Edict XIII mentions Ashoka’s victory over Kalinga. 
  • The thirteenth rock edict which was issued at the end of the Kalinga war.
  • It provides the details about the change of Ashoka from an aggressive and violent warrior to a great lover and preacher of peace. 
  • After the Kalinga war, Ashoka converted to Buddhism.
  • The Rummindei Pillar Inscription mentions Asoka’s visit to Lumbini and exemption of Lumbini from tax.

9. During Ashoka’s reign, ‘Dhammamahamatras’ were ?

A. Civil servants
B. Officers who helped control the retail and wholesale prices of goods
C. Military officers
D. Officers appointed to supervise the spread of Dhamma

Correct Answer – [D] Officers appointed to supervise the spread of Dhamma

  • Asoka appointed special offices called ‘Dhamma Mahamatras’ to supervise the spread of Dhamma.
  • Major Rock Edict V mentioned about ‘Dhamma Mahamatras’.

10. Lion capital used in currency notes was discovered from which among the following places ?

A. Bodh Gaya
B. Sarnath
C. Bharhut
D. Sanchi

Correct Answer – [B] Sarnath

  • The state emblem of India(Also used in currency notes) is an adaptation from the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka.
  • In the original, there are four lions, standing back to back, mounted on an abacus.
  • In the state emblem, adopted by the Government of India on 26 January 1950, only three lions are visible, the fourth being hidden from view.
  • It is to be noted that the words ‘Satyameva Jayate’ from Mundaka Upanishad, meaning ‘Truth Alone Triumphs’, are inscribed below the abacus of the lion capita in Devanagari script.

11. The Mauryan ruler who used the name ‘Piyadasi’ in his official declarations was who among the following ?

A. Chandragupta Maurya
B. Brihadratha
C. Bimbisara
D. Ashoka

Correct Answer – [D] Ashoka

  • In various rock edicts, King Ashoka was referred to as ‘Devanam Piyadasi’. 
  • Maski edict found in the Raichur district of the state of Karnataka was the first edict of Emperor Ashoka that contained the name ‘Asoka’ in it instead of the earlier edicts that referred to him as ‘Devanampiya’ or ‘Piyadasi’. 
  • The Girnar Inscription of Rudradaman mentions him as Asoka Maurya.
  • Puranas mentioned his name as Asokavardhana.

12. According to Buddhist tradition, Chandragupta Maurya was a ?

A. Brahmanas
B. Kshatriya
C. Sudras
D. Vaishya

Correct Answer – [B] Kshatriya

  • There is a great deal of controversy among the scholars regarding the origin of the Mauryas. 
  • According to Brahman literature, Mauryans were Shudras.
  • The entire Buddhist literature describes Mauryans as Kshatriyas.
  • According to Mahavamsa(a historical chronicle of Sri Lanka), Chandra Gupta was a Kshatriya called ‘Maurya’ whom Chanakya crowned as king after putting an end to the Nanda dynasty.

13. Chanakya the famous teacher of Chandragupta Maurya, was associated ?

A. Taxila
B. Nalanda
C. Vikramshila
D. Vaishali

Correct Answer  [A] Taxila

  • Chanakya also known as Kautilya, was an ancient Indian teacher, author, strategist, philosopher, and a politician. 
  • He was the first Prime Minister of the Maurya Empire.
  • He helped Chandragupta Maurya in the founding of the Mauryan empire.
  • He was associated with Taxila.
  • Taxila was a great center of learning in ancient India.

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