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Ancient History MCQs – 11 ( Gupta Period )

Gupta Period MCQs with answers and explanations for preparation of UPSC, State PSCs and other Examinations

1. Who among the following was the founder of the Gupta dynasty ?

A. Samudragupta
B. Skandagupta
C. Chandragupta
D. Srigupta

Correct Answer – [D] Srigupta 

  • The Gupta empire emerged around the late 3rd century.
  • It was founded by Srigupta. 
  • He was succeeded by Ghototkacha Gupta. 
  • The empire got prominent under the control of Chandragupta I (319-335 CE) who is considered as the real founder of the Gupta Empire.

2. Which emperor has been called Napoleon of India ?

A. Samudragupta
B. Chandragupta II (Vikramaditya)
C. Asoka
D. Kanishka

Correct Answer [A] Samudragupta 

  • Samudragupta was the greatest ruler of the Gupta dynasty. 
  • He was called Napoleon of India by V. A. Smith. 
  • He was a follower of Vaishnavism but tolerant of other religions.

3. Who composed the Allahabad Prasasti ?

A. Harisena
B. Vasumitra
C. Asvaghosha
D. Nagarjuna

Correct Answer – [A] Harisena 

  • Harisena was a 4th-century Sanskrit poet, an important figure in the court of the Gupta emperor, Samudragupta. 
  • His most famous poem was Allahabad Prasasti .
  • It was written in 345 C.E..
  • It describes the bravery of Samudragupta and is inscribed on the Allahabad Pillar.

4. What was the policy of Samudragupta in the south?

A. Digvijay
B. Dharmavijaya
C. Conquest
D. None of the above

Correct Answer – [A] Digvijay 

  • This policy of Samudragupta is described as Digvijaya or defeating the enemy kings of the South, Grahana or getting the authority over the kingdoms and then Anugraha allowing them to rule their Kingdoms under his Suzerainty. 
  • In the course of his Southern Campaign, he defeated almost twelve princes.

5. To which period of Indian history did Aryabhatta and Varahamihira (Scientist and Mathematician respectively) belong ?

A. Pala period
B. Delhi Sultanate
C. Maurya period
D. Gupta period

Correct Answer – [D] Gupta period 

  • Aryabhatiya and Surya Siddhanta were written Aryabhatta. 
  • He belongs to the Gupta period. 
  • He is credited with the invention of the decimal system and zero. 
  • He told for the first time that the Earth is not static but it rotates around the sun.

6. Who among the Gupta rulers was known as ‘Lichchavidauhitra’ ?

A. Kumaragupta
B. Skandagupta
C. Samudragupta
D. Chandragupta II

Correct Answer – [C] Samudragupta

  • Samudragupta was the greatest king of the Gupta dynasty and called the Napoleon of India. 
  • He never faced defeat in any battle in his life. 
  • He was the son of the Gupta emperor Chandragupta I and the Lichchhavi princess Kumaradevi.
  • He was also known as ‘Lichchavidauhitra’.

7. Fo-Kuo-King was authored by who among the following ?

A. Hiuen Tsang
B. Megasthenes
C. It-Tsing
D. Fa-Hien

Correct Answer – [D] Fa-Hien 

  • Fa-Hien was a Chinese pilgrim who visited India during the reign of Chandragupta II on a religious mission. 
  • He traveled by foot from China to India and returned by sea route. 
  • He traveled to many cities associated with the life of the Buddha like Sravasti, Sarnath, Bodh Gaya, Vaishali, Rajgir.
  • He recorded his observations in a travelog titled Fo-Kwo-King (A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms). 
  • It is one of the main literary sources to reconstruct the age of Gupta. 

Important observations of Fa-Hien: 

  • The administration of the Guptas was liberal and benevolent, the people enjoyed economic prosperity and the burden of taxes on them was not heavy. 
  • The primary source of income of the state during that time was land revenue and people could move freely from one land to another.
  • Monasteries, Sanghas, temples and their property and other religious endow­ments were free from government taxes. 
  • Rest houses were built for travelers. 
  • People observed tolerance in religious matters because Buddhism and Hinduism both flourished side by side during that time.
  • Mostly, People were vegetarians and avoided meat and onions and they avoided alcohol and other intoxicants. 
  • The Palace of Emperor Ashoka also existed at that time, about which Fa-hien remarked that ‘it might have been built not by men but by gods’.
  • Caste-system and Untouchability was prevalent. ‘Chandalas’ at the lowest rank 

8. Which of the following Gupta rulers was known as Vikramaditya?

A. Chandragupta-II
B. Skandagupta
C. Chandragupta-I
D. Samudragupta

Correct Answer –  [A] Chandragupta-II

  • Chandragupta II, also named Vikramaditya, is believed to be one of the greatest rulers of the Gupta dynasty. 
  • He was the son of Samudragupta and Datta Devi. 
  • He ruled the Gupta Empire from 375 to 415 C.E. 
  • During his reign, art, architecture, and sculpture flourished, and the cultural development of ancient India reached its zenith.
  • The reign of Chandragupta II is often referred to as the ‘Golden Age of India’.

9. Devichandraguptam was written by ?

A. Harisena
B. Vishakhadatta
C. Asvaghosha
D. Nagarjuna

Correct Answer –  [B] Vishakhadatta

  • Devichandraguptam was a drama written by Vishakhadatta.
  • He was among the Navratnas of Chandragupta II court.

Nine Gems (Navratnas) of Chandragupta Vikramaditya:

  • Chandragupta II was known for his deep interest in art and culture and nine gems or Navratna adorned his court.
  • Amarasimha:
    • He was a Sanskrit lexicographer and a poet and his Amarkosha is a vocabulary of Sanskrit roots, homonyms and synonyms. 
  • Dhanvantri:
    • He was a great Physician.
  • Harisena:
    • He is known to have composed the Prayag Prasasti on Allahabad Pillar Inscription. 
  • Kalidasa:
    • He is the immortal poet and playwright of India whose works became famous worldwide in the modern world. 
    • Translations of Kalidasa’s works in numerous Indian and Foreign Languages have spread his fame all over the world.
    • Important works – Ritusamhara, Malavikagnimitram, Meghaduta, Abhijnanasakuntalam, Raghuvamsa, Kumarasambhava etc.
  • Kahapanaka:
    • He was an astrologer.
  • Sanku:
    • He was in the field of Architecture.
  • Varahamihira:
    • He lived in Ujjain and wrote three important books namely Panchasiddhantika, Brihat Samhita, and Brihat Jataka on astronomy and astrology .
  • Vararuchi:
    • He was a grammarian and Sanskrit scholar. 
    • Some historians have identified him with Katyayana. 
    • Vararuchi is said to be the author of Prakrit Prakasha, which is the first Grammar of Prakrit Language.
  • Vetalbhatta:
    • He was a magician.

10. Consider the following statements about the system on land grants during Gupta period :

1. Brahmadeya was the land granted to Brahmans for religious reasons.
2. Devadana was the land granted to institutions such as temples and monasteries.

Select the correct statements:

A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. None of the above
D. All of the above

Correct Answer –  [D] All of the above

  • Land grants were prevalent in post-Vedic period but became widespread under Satavahanas in Deccan.
  • Guptas also practiced the system of land grants for various purposes some of which are as following:
  • Brahmadeya was the land granted to Brahmans for religious reasons.
  • Devadana was the land granted to institutions such as temples and monasteries.
  • There were also some secular grants to officers, craft guilds or military commanders.

11. Consider the following statements about Gupta administration :

1. The Guptas followed a highly decentralized administration.
2. The Guptas followed Samanta System.

Select the correct statements:

A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. None of the above
D. All of the above

Correct Answer – [D] All of the above

  • The Mauryas followed a highly centralized administration whereas Guptas followed a highly decentralized administration. 
  • They(Guptas) intentionally devolved power to a variety of people and authorities.
  • They allowed self-governing communities to flourish within the framework of their jurisdiction.
  • In the Gupta period, a Samanta was a neighboring subsidiary ruler who was a friendly tributary of the larger Gupta empire.

12. Which among the following monuments was NOT built by Guptas ?

A. Dasavatara temple of Deogarh
B. Bhitargaon temple
C. Dhamekh stupa
D. Sanchi stupa

Correct Answer – [C] Sanchi stupa

  • The Stupa at Sanchi was built in the 3rd century BCE by the Mauryan emperor Ashoka.
  • Dasavatara temple of Deogarh, Bhitargaon temple of Kanpur and Dhamekh stupa at Sarnath are the prominent examples of Gupta architecture.
  • Guptas followed the Nagara style of temple architecture.

13. Consider the following books and their writers :

1. Mricchakatika → Sudraka
2. Vishakhadatta → Mudrarakshasa
3. Vatsyayana → Kamasutra

Select the correctly matched pairs:

A. 1 & 2 only
B. 2 & 3 only
C. 1 & 3 only
D. All of the above

Correct Answer – [D] All of the above

  • All the options are correctly matched.
  • Mricchakatika → Sudraka
  • Vishakhadatta → Mudrarakshasa
  • Vatsyayana → Kamasutra
  • Dashakumaracharita → Dandin
  • Ritusamhara, Malavikagnimitram, Meghaduta, Abhijnanasakuntalam, Raghuvamsa, Kumarasambhava → Kalidasa

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