Ancient History MCQs – 1 (Pre-Historic Period)
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Gupta Period MCQs with answers and explanations for preparation of UPSC, State PSCs and other Examinations
1. Who among the following was the founder of the Gupta dynasty ?
A. Samudragupta
B. Skandagupta
C. Chandragupta
D. Srigupta
Correct Answer – [D] SriguptaÂ
2. Which emperor has been called Napoleon of India ?
A. Samudragupta
B. Chandragupta II (Vikramaditya)
C. Asoka
D. Kanishka
Correct Answer –Â [A] SamudraguptaÂ
3. Who composed the Allahabad Prasasti ?
A. Harisena
B. Vasumitra
C. Asvaghosha
D. Nagarjuna
Correct Answer – [A] HarisenaÂ
4. What was the policy of Samudragupta in the south?
A. Digvijay
B. Dharmavijaya
C. Conquest
D. None of the above
Correct Answer – [A] DigvijayÂ
5. To which period of Indian history did Aryabhatta and Varahamihira (Scientist and Mathematician respectively) belong ?
A. Pala period
B. Delhi Sultanate
C. Maurya period
D. Gupta period
Correct Answer – [D] Gupta periodÂ
6. Who among the Gupta rulers was known as ‘Lichchavidauhitra’ ?
A. Kumaragupta
B. Skandagupta
C. Samudragupta
D. Chandragupta II
Correct Answer – [C] Samudragupta
7. Fo-Kuo-King was authored by who among the following ?
A. Hiuen Tsang
B. Megasthenes
C. It-Tsing
D. Fa-Hien
Correct Answer – [D] Fa-HienÂ
Important observations of Fa-Hien:Â
8. Which of the following Gupta rulers was known as Vikramaditya?
A. Chandragupta-II
B. Skandagupta
C. Chandragupta-I
D. Samudragupta
Correct Answer –Â [A] Chandragupta-II
9. Devichandraguptam was written by ?
A. Harisena
B. Vishakhadatta
C. Asvaghosha
D. Nagarjuna
Correct Answer –Â [B] Vishakhadatta
Nine Gems (Navratnas) of Chandragupta Vikramaditya:
10. Consider the following statements about the system on land grants during Gupta period :
1. Brahmadeya was the land granted to Brahmans for religious reasons.
2. Devadana was the land granted to institutions such as temples and monasteries.
Select the correct statements:
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. None of the above
D. All of the above
Correct Answer –Â [D] All of the above
11. Consider the following statements about Gupta administration :
1. The Guptas followed a highly decentralized administration.
2. The Guptas followed Samanta System.
Select the correct statements:
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. None of the above
D. All of the above
Correct Answer – [D] All of the above
12. Which among the following monuments was NOT built by Guptas ?
A. Dasavatara temple of Deogarh
B. Bhitargaon temple
C. Dhamekh stupa
D. Sanchi stupa
Correct Answer – [C] Sanchi stupa
13. Consider the following books and their writers :
1. Mricchakatika → Sudraka
2. Vishakhadatta → Mudrarakshasa
3. Vatsyayana → Kamasutra
Select the correctly matched pairs:
A. 1 & 2 only
B. 2 & 3 only
C. 1 & 3 only
D. All of the above
Correct Answer – [D] All of the above
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