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Indian Polity MCQs – 24 (Union Public Service Commission)

Union Public Service Commission MCQs with answers and explanations for preparation of UPSC, BPSC, UPPSC and other State PSC Examinations

1. Who is the civil servant of highest rank in the Union Government ?

(a) Attorney General

(b) Cabinet Secretary

(c) Home Secretary

(d) Principal Secretary of the P.M.

Correct answer – (b) Cabinet Secretary

  • Cabinet Secretary is the highest civil servant of the Union Government. 
  • The Cabinet Secretary is the senior-most civil servant in the Government of India.

2. The Union Public Service Commission has been created ?

(a) Through an act of the parliament

(b) By the Constitution

(c) Through a cabinet resolution

(d) None of the above

Correct answer – (b) By the Constitution

  • The Union Public Service Commission is an independent constitutional body directly created by the Constitution.
  • It is responsible for the recruitment to the all-India services and Central services of group A and group B.
  • It also advises the government, when consulted, on promotion and disciplinary matters.

3. The provision for the Union Public Service Commission has been provided in which among the following parts of the constitution ?

(a) Part XIV

(b) Part XII

(c) Part XV

(d) Part XI

Correct answer – (a) Part XIV

  • Part XIV(Articles 315 to 323) of the Constitution provide elaborate provisions regarding the composition, appointment and removal of members along with the independence, powers and functions of the UPSC.

4. The chairman and other members of UPSC are appointed by who among the following ?

(a) President of India

(b) Prime Minister of India

(c) Elected by the people

(d) Chief Justice of India

Correct answer – (a)  President of India

  • The chairman and other members of UPSC are appointed by the President of India.
  • The Constitution also enables the President to determine the conditions of service of the chairman and other members of the Commission.
  • The strength and the composition of the Commission is also determined by the President.

5. What is the term of office of the chairman and members of the Union Public Service Commission?

(a) 6 years

(b) Up to 65 years of age

(c) 6 years or up to 65 years of age, whichever earlier

(d) Up to 60 years of age

Correct answer – (c) 6 years or up to 65 years of age, whichever earlier

  • The term of office of the chairman and members of the Union Public Service Commission is 6 years or up to 65 years of age, whichever earlier.

6. The chairman and members of the Union Public Service Commission can resign from his office by sending his resignation to which among the following ?

(a) President

(b) Prime Minister

(c) Parliament

(d) Chief justice of Supreme Court

Correct answer – (a) President

  • The chairman and members of the Union Public Service Commission can resign any time from his office by addressing his resignation to the President.
  • They can also be removed by the president before the expiry of their term according to the process mentioned in the Constitution.

7. Who among the following can only be removed from the office in like manner and on the like grounds as a Judge of the Supreme Court?

  1. Comptroller and Auditor-General of India
  2. Chief Election Commissioner
  3. Chairman, Union Public Service Commission

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

(a) 1 & 2 only

(b) All of the above

(c) None of the above

(d) 2 and 3 only

Correct answer – (a) 1 & 2 only

  • The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India and the Chief Election Commissioner can only be removed from the office in like manner and on the like grounds as a judge of the Supreme Court
  • Grounds of removal of chairman or any other member of UPSC:
    • If he is adjudged an insolvent (bankrupt)
    • If he is involved, during his term of office, in any paid employment outside the duties of his office.
    • If he is unfit to continue in office due to infirmity of mind or body.

8. Consider the following statements regarding the chairman of the Union Public Service Commission:

  1. He can be removed by the President also on the grounds of misbehavior.
  2. In this case, the President has to refer the matter to the Supreme Court for its advice.
  3. The advice given by the Supreme Court in this matter is binding on the President.

Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect ?

(a) Only 1 & 2

(b) Only 2 & 3

(c) Only 2

(d) None of the above

Correct answer – (d) None of the above

  • All the statements are correct.
  • The chairman  or any other member of UPSC can be removed by the President also on the grounds of misbehavior.
  •  In this case, the President has to refer the matter to the Supreme Court for its advice.
  • The advice given by the Supreme Court in this matter is binding on the President.

9. Consider the following statements :

A member of the Union Public Service Commission:

  1. Is appointed by the President of India.
  2. Is ineligible for re-appointment to that office.
  3. Holds office for a period of 6 years or till the age of 60 years, whichever is earlier.

Of the above statements :

(a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct

(b) 1 and 2 are correct

(c) 2 and 3 are correct

(d) All are correct

Correct answer – (b) 1 and 2 are correct

  • A member of the Union Public Service Commission holds office for a period of 6 years or till the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier.
  • A member of the Union Public Service Commission is appointed by the President of India.
  • He is ineligible for re-appointment to that office or for further employment in the central or a state Government. However, he is eligible for appointment as the chairman of UPSC or a State Public Service Commission (SPSC).

10. Consider the following statements regarding the Union Public Service Commission:

  1. The salaries and allowances of the chairman and members of the UPSC are charged upon the Consolidated Fund of India.
  2. They are voted on and approved by the Parliament.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

(a) Only 1

(b) Only 2

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Correct answer – (a) Only 1

  • The salaries and allowances of the chairman and members of the UPSC are charged upon the Consolidated Fund of India.
  • They are not subject to the vote or approval of Parliament.

11. Consider the following statements regarding the Union Public Service Commission:

  1. The jurisdiction of UPSC can be extended by an act made by the Parliament.
  2. The President has power to exclude certain posts, services and matters from the purview of the UPSC.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

(a) Only 1

(b) Only 2

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Correct answer – (c) Both 1 and 2

  • Both the statements are correct.
  • The jurisdiction of UPSC can be extended by an act made by the Parliament.
  • The Parliament by making a law can assign the personnel system of any authority or public institution within the jurisdiction of the UPSC.
  • The president has power to exclude certain posts, services and matters from the purview of the UPSC by making a regulation.
  • Such regulations should be laid before each House of Parliament and the Parliament has the authority to amend or repeal them.

12. Consider the following statements regarding the Union Public Service Commission:

  1. The recommendations made by it are binding on the union government.
  2. It presents annually, its report of performance to the president.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

(a) Only 1

(b) Only 2

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Correct answer – (b) Only 2

  • The recommendations made by the Union Public Service Commission are advisory in nature hence, not binding on the union government. However, the Union government is answerable to the Parliament for departing from the recommendation of the Commission.
  • The Union Public Service Commission presents annually its report of performance to the president. The President further places this report before both the Houses of Parliament.

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