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World Geography MCQs – 07 (Ocean Currents)

Ocean Currents MCQs with answers and explanations for all examinations.

1. Consider the following statements regarding ocean currents :

1. They move in a definite direction.
2. They can be classified as warm currents and cold currents.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) None of the above
(d) All of the above

Correct Answer – (d) All of the above

  • Ocean currents are the massive movements of oceanic water in a definite direction.
  • On the basis of temperature, Ocean currents are divided into warm currents and cold currents.
  • The ocean currents that flow from the Equator towards the poles are warmer than the surrounding water and hence they are called warm currents.
  • The ocean currents that flow from the polar areas towards the equator are cooler compared to the surrounding water and hence they are called cold currents.

2. Consider the following statements regarding ocean currents :

1. They are slow surface movements of ocean water
2. Salinity of the ocean water affects them.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) None of the above
(d) All of the above

Correct Answer – (b) 2 only 

  • Oceanic salinity affects the density of ocean water and density variation causes the movement of ocean currents.
  • Ocean currents are swift surface movements of ocean water.

3. Consider the following statements regarding Oceanic Currents?

1. Surface currents are primarily driven by winds whereas deep currents are primarily driven by density difference.
2. Surface currents are swift whereas deep currents are relatively slower.

Which among the above observations is / are correct?

(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 & 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Answer – (c) Both 1 & 2

  • Ocean currents are also classified as the Surface Currents and Deep Currents. 
  • Surface currents affect surface water and these are mainly driven by winds.
  • The Deep currents affect deep water and these are mainly driven by density differences in the ocean water. 
  • The deep currents are much larger but slower than surface currents.

4. Consider the following statements regarding cold ocean currents :

1. They are usually found on the west coast of the continents in the low and middle latitudes only in the northern hemisphere.
2. The warm currents are usually observed on the east coast of the continents in the low and middle latitudes only in the southern hemisphere.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) None of the above
(d) All of the above

Correct Answer – (c) None of the above

  • The cold currents are usually found on the west coast of the continents in the low and middle latitudes in both the hemispheres.
  • The warm currents are usually observed on the east coast of the continents in the low and middle latitudes in both the hemispheres.

5. Which among the following is NOT a factor that influences the direction of the ocean currents?

(a) Wind
(b) Coriolis force
(c) Insolation
(d) Rainfall

Correct Answer – (d) Rainfall

  • Following are the major factors that influences the ocean currents:
    • Wind
    • Coriolis force
    • Insolation
    • Gravity
    • Pressure Gradient
    • Tide
  • Due to the coriolis force, the warm currents from low latitudes tend to move to the right in the northern hemisphere and to their left in the southern hemisphere.

6. Consider the following statements regarding Gulf Stream :

1. It originates in the Gulf of Mexico.
2. It moves in a south-easterly direction.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) None of the above
(d) All of the above

Correct Answer – (a) 1 only 

  • The Gulf Stream is a warm Atlantic ocean current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • It flows through the Straits of Florida along the eastern coastline of the United States and then moves toward Northwest Europe as the North Atlantic Current.

7. Which among the following is NOT a cold ocean current ?

(a) Benguela Current
(b) Falkland Current
(c) Labrador Current
(d) Brazil Current

Correct Answer – (d) Brazilian Current

  • The Canary current is a cold current that flows along the western coast of North Africa.
  • The Labrador Current is also a cold current in the North Atlantic Ocean.
  • The Falkland Current is a cold water current that flows northward along the Atlantic coast of Patagonia.
  • The Brazil Current is a warm water current that flows south along the Brazilian south coast.

8. Which among the following ocean currents is not found in the Atlantic Ocean ?

(a) Humboldt current
(b) Falkland Current
(c) Labrador Current
(d) Brazil Current

Correct Answer – (a) Humboldt current

  • Major ocean currents of Atlantic Ocean:
    • Falkland Current(Cold)
    • Labrador Current(Cold)
    • Brazil Current(Warm)
    • Benguela Current(Cold)
    • Canary Current(Cold)
    • Gulf Stream(Warm)
  • Humboldt current is found in the pacific ocean.
  • It is a cold current that flows along the western coast of South America from south to north.
  • It is also called Peru current.

9. Consider the following statements :

1. Kuroshio is a cold ocean current.
2. Oyashio is a warm ocean current.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) None of the above
(d) All of the above

Correct Answer – (c) None of the above

  • Kuroshio is a warm ocean current. It runs from Taiwan to the Bering Strait in the pacific ocean.
  • Oyashio is a cold ocean current. It flows through the Bering Strait in southerly direction and transports the cold water of the Arctic Sea into the Pacific Ocean.
  • It is also known as Kurile current.

10. Which of the following areas is/are considered to be the best fishing zone in the world ?

(a) The areas where cold currents flow.
(b) The areas where hot currents flow.
(c) The areas where the warm and cold currents meet.
(d) The area of the sea that is around the equator.

Correct Answer – (c) The areas where the warm and cold currents meet. 

  • The areas where the warm and cold currents meet provide the best fishing grounds of the world. 
  • Seas around Japan and the eastern coast of North America are such examples. The areas where a warm and cold current meet also experience foggy weather making it difficult for navigation.

11. Consider the following statements :

1. Indian Ocean has the most consistent system of Ocean Currents
2. The Agulhas Current is an Indian Ocean current.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) None of the above
(d) All of the above

Correct Answer – (b) 2 only 

  • The currents in the Indian Ocean are largely affected by the monsoon winds.
  • They are not consistent as they change their flow direction due to north-east and south-west monsoon winds.
  • The Agulhas Current is an Indian Ocean current. It flows south along the east coast of Africa.

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