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Modern History MCQs – 16 (Individual Satyagraha and Cripps Mission)

Individual Satyagraha and Cripps Mission MCQs with answers and explanations for UPSC and Other examinations.

1. The August Offer was proposed by who among the following ?

(a) Lord Linlithgow
(b) Lord Hastings
(c) Lord Irwin
(d) Lord Canning

Correct Answer(a) Lord Linlithgow

  • The August Offer was proposed by Lord Linlithgow, then Viceroy of India in 1940 on behalf of the British parliament.
  • It was an attempt to garner Indian support during World War II. 
  • It promised dominion status for India after victory in the war.

2. Consider the following statements about The August Offer :

1. It was rejected by Congress.
2. It was accepted by Muslim League.

Which of the above statements is/are correct ?

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 & 2
(d) None of the above

Correct Answer – (a) 1 only

  • Both Congress and the Muslim League rejected The August Offer.
  • Congress rejected the offer as it insisted on complete independence instead of dominion status. 
  • Muslim League rejected the offer as it demanded a separate state of Pakistan.

3. The Individual Satyagraha was launched in the response of which among the following ?

(a) August Offer
(b) Cabinet Mission
(c) Cripps Mission
(d) Communal Award

Correct Answer(a) August Offer

  • In response to the August Offer, Mahatma Gandhi called for the Individual Satyagraha.
  • He launched the Individual Satyagraha to be led by a few carefully chosen individuals. 
  • Vinobha Bhave began the Individual Satyagraha movement in Maharashtra On October 17, 1940,

4. Who among the following was selected as the second Individual Satyagrahi by Mahatma Gandhi ?

(a) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(b) Sardar Patel
(c) Sarjoni Naidu
(d) Vinoba Bhave

Correct Answer(a) Jawahar Lal Nehru

  • After rejecting the August proposal, Congress initiated Individual Satyagraha in the leadership of Gandhiji. 
  • The Individual Satyagraha was a symbolic message of moral protest against the British Government’s decision to involve India in the war. 
  • Mahatma Gandhi selected Acharya Vinoba Bhave as the first Satyagrahi.
  • Jawaharlal Nehru was chosen as the second Individual Satyagrahi.
  • Brahma Dutt was chosen as the third satyagrahi.

5. In which year did the Cripps Mission come to India ?

(a) 1940
(b) 1942
(d) 1946
(c) 1944

Correct Answer(b) 1942

  • Due to the setbacks of Allied powers in Southeast Asia, the allies (the United States, the Soviet Union and China) put pressure on Britain to seek Indian cooperation.
  • Stafford Cripps arrived in India in March, 1942 to negotiate with Indian politicians and get their support for world war ||.
  • It  offered ‘Dominion Status’ and Constituent Assembly for India after the war.
  • It offered the right to secede for the provinces where a British Indian Province could accept or reject the constitution or frame its own constitution.
  • The Mission was a complete failure and led to the start of Quit India Movement by Indian nationalists.

6. Which among the following was called ‘Post-dated Cheque drawn on a failing bank’ by Mahatma Gandhi ?

(a) August Offer
(b) Cabinet Mission
(c) Cripps Mission
(d) Communal Award

Correct Answer(c) Cripps Mission

  • Mahatma Gandhi called the Cripps Mission as a  ‘Post-dated Cheque drawn on a failing bank’.
  • This was due to the promise of providing dominion status after the end of the Second World War. 
  • It is to be noted here that Nehru and Maulana Azad were the official negotiators for the Congress with Cripps Mission.

7. Consider the following statements about The Cripps Mission :

1. It offered ‘Dominion Status’ for India after the war.
2. It kept defense and external affairs in the hands of Viceroy.

Which of the above statements is/are correct ?

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 & 2
(d) None of the above

Correct Answer – (c) Both 1 & 2

  • The Cripps Mission offered ‘Dominion Status’ for India after the war.
  • It kept defense and external affairs as the sole responsibility of the Viceroy.

8. Who of the following Prime Ministers sent the Cripps Mission to India ?

(a) James Ramsay MacDonald
(b) Stanley Baldwin
(c) Neville Chamberlain
(d) Winston Churchill

Correct Answer(d) Winston Churchill

  • To seek help and India’s cooperation in the second World War, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill sent the Cripps Mission to India in March, 1942.
  • It was sent under the leadership of Sir Stafford Cripps.

9. Who of the following was the Viceroy of India when the Cripps Mission arrived ?

(a) Lord Chelmsford
(b) Lord Wavell
(c) Lord Linlithgow
(d) Lord Montague

Correct Answer(c) Lord Linlithgow

  • Lord Linlithgow was the longest serving Viceroy of India from 1936 to 1944.
  • The Cripps Mission arrived and the Quit India Movement was launched by Mahatma Gandhi during his tenure.

10. The Congress Ministries in all the provinces resigned in the year 1939 because of which among the following reasons ?

(a) Congress was unable to make a cabinet in the other many provinces
(b) Socialist wing of Congress made it impossible to work for the cabinet
(c) Communal rights in the provinces
(d) British Government involved India in the Second World War

Correct Answer(d) British Government involved India in the Second World War

  • After 28 months of tenure, the Ministries of Congress resigned in 1939 because the British Government involved India in the Second World War without the consent of Indians.

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