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Indian Polity MCQs – 11 (President)

President MCQs with answers and explanations for preparation of UPSC, BPSC, UPPSC and other State PSC Examinations

1. The Constitution of India vests the executive powers of the Indian Union in which of the following ?

(a) The prime minister

(b) The president

(c) The council of ministers

(d) The parliament

Correct Answer: (b) The president

  • The President is the head of the Indian State and executive powers of the Indian Union have been vested to the President.
  • President has to exercise the executive powers in consultation with the council of ministers headed by the prime minister.

2. Which one of the following articles deals with the pardoning power of the President?

(a) Article 71

(b) Article 74

(c) Article 72

(d) Article 75

Correct Answer: (c) Article 72

Judicial Powers of President:

  • Appointment of Chief Justice and Supreme Court/High Court Judges.
  • President takes advice from the Supreme Court, however, the advice is not binding.
  • Under article 72, the President has been conferred with power to grant pardon against punishment for an offense against:
    • Union law
    • Punishment by a martial court
    • Death sentence.
  • Pardoning powers of the president includes the following types:
    • Pardon – Removes both the sentence and the conviction and completely absolves the convict from all sentences.
    • Commutation – Substitution of one form of punishment for a lighter form.
    • Remission – Reduces the term of the imprisonment.
    • Respite – Lesser punishment than original punishment by looking at the special condition of a convict(example physical disability, pregnancy etc.)
    • Reprieve – stays the execution of the awarded sentence for a temporary period.
  • The pardoning power is to be exercised by the President on the advice of the union cabinet.
  • The President is not bound to give reasons for his order.
  • The exercise of power by the President is not subject to judicial review except where the presidential decision is arbitrary, irrational or discriminatory.

3. The impeachment of the President is carried by which one of the following?

(a) Attorney general

(b) Members of the legislative

(c) Parliament

(d) Prime minister

Correct Answer: (c) Parliament

  • The President can be removed from office by a process of impeachment for ‘violation of the Constitution’.
  • The impeachment charges can be initiated by either House of Parliament. 
  • These charges should be signed by one-fourth members of the House (that initiated the charges).
  • 14 days’ notice should be given to the President.
  • If the Impeachment resolution is passed by a majority of two-thirds of the total membership of the house in both the houses , then the President stands removed from his office.

4. The vacancy of the office of the President of India must be filled up within ?

(a) 90 days

(b) 6 months

(c) One year

(d) within the period decided by the Parliament

Correct Answer: (b) 6 months

  • An election to fill a vacancy in the office of President occurring because of his death, resignation or removal, or otherwise shall be held as soon as possible and in no case later than six months from, the date of occurrence of the vacancy
  • The person elected to fill the vacancy shall be entitled to hold office for the full term of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office.

5. Consider the following statement :

  1. On the expiry of the term of five years by the President of India, the outgoing President must continue to hold office until his successor enters upon his office.
  2. The Electoral College for the President’s election consists of the elected members of the Legislative Assemblies of Delhi and Puducherry also.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

(a) Only 1

(b) Only 2

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Answer: (c) Both 1 and 2

  •  On the expiry of the term of five years by the President of India, the outgoing President must continue to hold office until his successor enters upon his office.
  • The electoral college responsible for President’s elections comprises elected members of:
    • Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
    • Legislative Assemblies of the states (Members of Legislative Councils are not eligible)
    • Legislative Assemblies of the Union Territories of Delhi and Puducherry

6. Who has the right to seek an advisory opinion of the Supreme Court of India, on any question of law ?

(a) Prime Minister

(b) President

(c) Any of the high courts

(d) All of the above

Correct Answer: (b) President

  • The President can take advice from the Supreme Court on any question of law, however, the advice given by the Supreme Court is not binding on him.

7. If the position of President and Vice-President are vacant, who officiates as the President of India ?

(a) The Prime Minister

(b) The Chief Justice of India

(c) The Speaker of Lok Sabha

(d) None of these

Correct Answer: (b) The Chief Justice of India

  • If the Vice-President office is vacant, Chief Justice of India (CJI) or in his absence, Supreme Court’s senior-most judge, discharges the functions of the President till a new President is elected.

8. The President of India has emergency powers of ?

(a) Two types

(b) Three types

(c) Four types

(d) Five types

Correct Answer: (b) Three types

  • The President of India can declare the following three types of emergencies:
    • National Emergency (Mentioned under Article 352)
    • President’s Rule (Mentioned under Article 356 & 365)
    • Financial Emergency (Mentioned under Article 360)

9. How many times can the President of India be re-elected to his post?

(a) Once

(b) 2 times

(c) 3 times

(d) Any numbers of time

Correct Answer: (d) Any numbers of time

  • The President serves a term of five years from the date they take office. 
  • The President  can resign anytime by sending a resignation letter to the Vice-President. 
  • The President can be removed from office through the process of impeachment before the completion of their term. 
  • The President can remain in office until their successor takes over.
  • The President is eligible for re-election for any number of terms. However, in the United States, a person cannot be elected as President more than twice.

10. Who held the office of the Vice-President of India for two consecutive terms?

(a) Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

(b) Mr. R. Venkataraman

(c) Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma

(d) Mr. V.V. Giri

Correct Answer: (a) Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

  • Dr. Radhakrishnan held the office of the Vice-President of India for two consecutive terms  from 1952 to 1962. 
  • Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was an Indian philosopher and statesman who was the first Vice President of India and the second President of India from 1962 to 1967.

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