Indian Geography MCQs – 2 (Physical features of India)
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Size and location of India MCQs with answers and explanations for preparation of UPSC, State PSCs and Other Examinations
1. In terms of area, India is at which position in the world ?
(a) 7th largest
(b) 4th largest
(c) 5th largest
(d) 6th largest
Correct Answer: (a) 7th largest
2. India and Sri Lanka are separated by which among the following strait ?
(a) Malacca Strait
(b) Sunda Strait
(c) Palk Strait
(d) Strait of Gibraltar
Correct Answer: (c) Palk Strait
3. The Indian mainland extends between the following latitudes ?
(a) 8°4’N to 37°6′ N latitudes
(b) 9°4’N to 38°6′ N latitudes
(c) 3°4’N to 32°6′ N latitudes
(d) 5°4’N to 37°6′ N latitudes
Correct Answer: (a) 8°4’N to 37°6′ N latitudes
4. The length of India from north to south is which among the following ?
(a) 3,214 km
(b) 3,414 km
(c) 4,214 km
(d) 2,933 km
Correct Answer: (a) 3,214 km
5. The easternmost point of India is located in the state of ?
(a) Aasam
(b) Arunachal Pradesh
(c) Meghalaya
(d) Sikkim
Correct Answer: (b) Arunachal Pradesh
6. The westernmost point of India is located in the state of ?
(a) Maharashtra
(b) Gujrat
(c) Rajasthan
(d) Panjab
Correct Answer: (b) Gujrat
7. The standard time meridian of India is ?
(a) 83°30′ E
(b) 82°30′ E
(c) 81°30′ E
(d) 80°30′ E
Correct Answer: (b) 82°30′ E
8. Broadly by how many hours does the local time of the eastern most point of India differ from that of the westernmost point ?
(a) 1 hour
(b) 2 hours
(c) 3 hours
(d) 4 hours
Correct Answer: (b) 2 hours
9. India accounts for the following percent of the world’s total land area ?
(a) 3.42 percent
(b) 4.42 percent
(c) 5.42 percent
(d) 2.42 percent
Correct Answer: (d) 2.42 percent
10. Which one of the following countries shares the longest land border with India?
(a) Bangladesh
(b) ChinaÂ
(c) Pakistan
(d) Myanmar
Correct Answer:Â (a) Bangladesh
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